博彩平台网址大全 教授essor of English 希拉·费雪 will deliver the annual Shirley G. Wassong Memorial Lecture in European and American Art, 文化, and History at 博彩平台网址大全 on Monday, 4月25日. Titled “Within Opposing Cells: Questions of Women, 监禁, 和自我表达,” Fisher’s lecture will take place in McCook Auditorium at 4:30 p.m. and also will be live-streamed 在这里. The lecture will be followed by a reception in Hamlin Hall.

教授essor of English 希拉·费雪
博彩平台网址大全 教授essor of English 希拉·费雪. 索尼娅·布兰德·费舍尔摄.

Fisher will discuss possible connections between the expressions of two groups of women who are central to her ongoing work: medieval nuns, 神秘主义者, and anchoresses (religious recluses), as well as contemporary women experiencing incarceration. Questions she will explore include: Why might some women find occasion for self-expression within confined spaces, whether those spaces are chosen voluntarily or imposed by social forces? Why might restriction of the body and experience work to generate expansion of the mind, 精神, 还有想象力? And how might these questions resonate with us as we process our experiences of the pandemic?

A medievalist who specializes in Chaucer, late 14th-century English literature, 中世纪的女作家, 费雪是 The Selected Canterbury Tales: A New Verse Translation (W.W. 诺顿公司, 2011, and included in the inaugural launch of the new Norton Library Series, (2021),并与人合著 Seeking the Woman in Late Medieval and Renaissance Writings: Essays in Feminist Contextual Criticism (University of Tennessee Press in Knoxville, 1989). She is nearing completion of her first historical novel, 哪一个 focuses on two notable 15th-century English women who met and shared their religious experiences: the 神秘的 Margery Kemp, author in 1436 of the first autobiography in English, 还有那只船锚, 神秘的, 以及诺维奇的作家朱利安, 最出名的是她的作品, 神圣之爱的启示.

A 博彩平台网址大全 faculty member since 1984 who served as chair of Trinity’s English Department from 2005 to 2008 and as associate dean of the faculty from 2009 to 2013, 费雪收到了M.A., M.菲尔。., Ph值.D. from Yale University and her B.A. summa cum laude with Highest Honors in English from Smith College. A recipient of the Prize Teaching Fellowship at Yale and the Brownell Prize for Distinguished Teaching at Trinity, Fisher believes that the richest and most challenging teaching in her fields engages students fully in the complexities and difficulties of the text, at the same time that it cultivates in them ways of asking hard questions of the works they examine.

Fisher is co-director of the Trinity Prison Seminar Series, 哪一个, 自2012年以来, has offered credit-bearing college-level courses at the York Correctional Institution, the only women’s prison in 康涅狄格, 以及 免费成功计划, 哪一个 offers mentoring to citizens in re-entry as they seek to complete their college education after prison.

Support for the Wassong Memorial Lecture in European and American Art, 文化 and History comes from a fund established in 1996 by Joseph F. 沃森,小. ’59, in memory of his first wife, Shirley, and augmented with gifts from family and friends. The annual lecture features members of Trinity’s faculty and guest scholars in alternating years. The lecturers are from various academic disciplines, and their topics range from antiquity to the present day. 自2010年以来, this annual lecture has been organized by the Trinity Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies.

Joseph F. 沃森,小., 谁在2021年5月去世了, was the husband of Rebecca Skinner and the late Shirley (Gyurik) Wassong. He was a resident of Thomaston, 康涅狄格, for most of his life and a 1955 graduate of Thomaston High School. A double-major in history and educational studies at 博彩平台网址大全, he was selected as a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. After receiving his Trinity bachelor’s degree in 1959, he earned an M.A. degree from Columbia University. He taught history at Glastonbury High School for eight and a half years, followed by a 31-year career as a history professor at Mattatuck (later Naugatuck Valley) Community College. In addition to his contributions as an educator—impacting the lives of more than 10,000 students of all ages—he was actively involved in the Town of Thomaston, serving for many years in volunteer committee and board roles, as well as in leadership roles with the Thomaston Historical Society. He was selected as a Rotary Citizen of the Year in 1991.

雪莉·沃森, 他于1995年去世, was a graduate of Bryant College and spent her career as a dental assistant. In Thomaston, she volunteered with the St. Thomas Church, the Thomaston Library, and the Thomaston Visiting Nurses Association. A member of the 康涅狄格 Historical Society, she also served as curator of the Thomaston Historical Society.